Monday 15 September 2008

Tasty things!

First up are my experimental homemade coconut sandwich biscuits! I made coconut biscuits then sandwiched them together using a buttersque icing made from icing sugar, Pure vegan marge, coconut milk and vanilla esssence. I'll post up the recipe once I perfect it, it still needs a bit of tweaking!
Next up is Stromboli, from a recipe shared by friends from the Scottish Vegans group, after they'd brought their delicious creation to our potlucks and got everyone hooked! Here's the money shot below- and don't worry, there's no real meat or cheese, I've used Redwoods' Cheatin' ham slices and their mozzarella Cheezly.


Kris said...

Nat- The Scottish Vegans group is
(send me an addy to talk?)

Unknown said...

That's one fine lookin' stromboli!! Great blog, Kris.

Kris said...

Thanks Cat! :) And thanks again for the stromboli recipe- it's become a houdsehold favourite! :D