These gorgeous guinea-pig ladies are Sophie, left, and Rosie, right. But no, they don't live with me(don't think that'd be safe anyway with Fudge-puss running around my flat!) but with my mum. Posted here because all vegans love looking at cute critters :)
Now for a step-by-step pie...

This is the Graham Cracker Pie Crust from How it All Vegan. Only I've used the british answer to American graham crackers, Morrisons own brand "Value" Sweetmeal Digestive biscuits. (Note; not all digestive biscuits are vegan, some, usually the more expensive shops-own ones and McVities, contain whey powder-from cows' milk- so do be sure to check the ingredients first. AFAIK Asda's cheaper own brand are vegan too btw).

The pie filling is Everyday Dish's Chocolate Espresso Truffle Pie- this website has a brilliant selection of vegan cookery shows-
check it out!
Then I sprinkled chopped toasted almonds on top and put it in the fridge overnight. I've yet to taste-test it so watch this space...

I've made
this Italian Marinated Tofu from VWAV before, but this time I used the leftover marinade to bake some mushrooms in (for 15 mins at 220C) and they turned out lovely.

And last but not least, Veganomicon's chickpea cutlets, served here with some broccoli and roast baby potatoes. I ate this with some ketchup, I baked mine as the book said you could do this and thought they were okay, if a little on the dry side, so I think I'll try frying them next time.
Awww, Sophie and Rosie are too cute. I'll have to try that truffle pie as well, it looks amazing! Also, love those chickpea cutlets...yours look great.
Oh my, those are adorable! You'd be surprised how your cat might react to them... especially since they are small and non-threatening. They might get along.
Everything here looks delicious, I'm quite envious of your culinary skills!
They look so sweet!
The food looks really tasty as well. I should learn how to properly make burger-like things that don't fall apart.
Thanks for your comments every1
@tuimelje- any burger-type recipe containing vital wheat gluten will generally not fall apart as it's really stretchy. Most other recipes I've tried without it do tend to fall apart quite easily too.
That pie looks RIDICULOUSLY good!
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