Saturday 19 April 2008

I've still not got any batteries for my camera(sorry guys!) and a food meme

I'm not gonna bother tagging because I'm lazy, so open invitation to do this on your own blog to all my readers :)

Your three favorite spices, oils, or food flavorings:
1) cinnamon
2) coriander
3) vanilla

Your three favorite dishes, baked goods, etc. that you make:
1)my tofu quiche
2)tofu ricotta and mushroom pizza
3) lasagne

Your three favorite foods you buy at the store: (as in, already made, not whole foods)
1) zest vegan pesto
2) redwoods' cheatin' rashers
3) nakd cocoa loco raw food bars

Your three favorite meals to order in a restaurant:
1) big mono burger
2) tofu "cheese"cake
3) vegan sushi

Your Three Favorite Vegetables:
1) broccoli
2) bell peppers
3) aubergine

Three Favorite Fruits
1) Apples
2) Pineapples
3) Grapes

Three Places You Most Often Buy Food:
1) Morrisons
2) Holland and Barret
3) Grassroots

Top Three Things You Consider When Buying Food: (I left this the same because I do the same)
1) is it vegan?
2) use by date
3) price

Three Things You'd Probably Want me to Make For Dinner, if you came to my house??
1) my lentil and tomato soup with garlic bread
2) my tofu quiche with sundried tomatoes mushrooms and broccoli, with a side of baby potato salad and leafy greens
3)vwav coconut heaven cupcakes with cherries on top

1 comment:

DJ said...

yumyumYUMMY!!! I want to come to your house for dinner!!!