Friday 17 April 2009

When Things Go Wrong In The Kitchen...

I've not had a "when things go wrong in the kitchen" post for a while, so here it is, as luck would have it, the night before the potluck! Why is it that something you've made a few times goes smoothly when it doesn't matter and has hiccups the one time it does?

These rather flattened looking chocolate balls are supposed to look like the ones in the last picture of this post. The recipe is a work in progress and I seem to have used just a wee bit too much soya milk here so they haven't held a shape very well(as you can see!)! They do, however, taste delicious, so it's just the presentation that's an issue, but still, it's annoying nonetheless when I wanted them to be perfect!

I'm bringing them along anyway, but luckily I also have a perfect 3 bean chilli and backup plan peanut butter oatmeal cookies to bring as well!


Penny said...

Who cares what they look like; they sound de-lish! Looking forward to sampling them tomorrow! Bet you've a lot of jealous readers, wishing they could be trying them, too!

Alicia said...

They still look yummy. Maybe you could put little cake decoration animals or people on them and they can be little islands or something

DJ said...

I love a good kitchen disaster but these don't look too disastrous at all. I think most people are a bit more forgiving when it comes to chocolate sweets! As for the last picture, I love the look of your balls, fnar-fnar!

Unknown said...

They were delicious!!